Interlacing People and Fiber for 50 Years

Interlacing People and Fiber for 50 Years, an anniversary exhibit by Harmony Weavers Guild. Members use color, texture, and pattern to celebrate textiles including wearable, functional, and decorative works.
September and October, 2021
Monday – Friday 9 – 5
Opening September 3, 2021 5:30 – 8:00 Art Loop
The Delaware Center for Horticulture
1810 North DuPont Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19802

June Picnic is on the Program Menu!

June 10, 2021 at 11 a.m.
Linda Brasel has very generously offered to host us at her home in Aberdeen, Maryland. She has a large outdoor deck area where people may socially distance while enjoying the company of other Guild members. Should the weather be unfriendly, there is a large ground floor “Crab Room” to allow for plenty of fresh air circulation.
Guild members are asked to bring your own boxed lunch and table service.
If you have a camp/beach chair to bring, that would be helpful. If you feel comfortable carpooling.
We will also have the opportunity for you to show any works you have made recently. This includes members of the Tote Bag group, who should bring their handiwork to show off!
Start setting aside your yarn stash, fiber arts books and magazines, weaving tools, and dye plants that you would like to donate to Guild for our Annual Auction. Always a fun part of the June Picnic!
There will be a business meeting, elections will be held and plans for the coming program year will be discussed as well.

Putting the Pizzazz! into your Stripes

Sally Orgren has been an active member of the weaving community since before I met her in 2004 at Convergence in Denver. My experience is that she is continually trying new techniques and materials to see what happens — and it’s usually a pretty good outcome. I have found her to be energetic and willing to share her tips and knowledge of the craft — even following up to unanswered questions. (Yes, she did that for me.)
Sally will be presenting a talk at our April meeting about stripes – “Putting the Pizzazz! into your Stripes”. This virtual, interactive program will discuss various ways to enliven and energize stripes in your warp patterns by using examples of handwoven samples. Among the topics will be planning and envisioning your stripe patterns (especially if you don’t have access to weaving software) and how-to tips for winding on a multicolored warp.
Participants will be invited to share photos or projects with stripe patterns they find inspiring and the group will analyze how these sequences might be created and if they are more or less successful, attractive, or produce surprising results.