June 10, 2021 at 11 a.m.
Linda Brasel has very generously offered to host us at her home in Aberdeen, Maryland. She has a large outdoor deck area where people may socially distance while enjoying the company of other Guild members. Should the weather be unfriendly, there is a large ground floor “Crab Room” to allow for plenty of fresh air circulation.
Guild members are asked to bring your own boxed lunch and table service.
If you have a camp/beach chair to bring, that would be helpful. If you feel comfortable carpooling.
We will also have the opportunity for you to show any works you have made recently. This includes members of the Tote Bag group, who should bring their handiwork to show off!
Start setting aside your yarn stash, fiber arts books and magazines, weaving tools, and dye plants that you would like to donate to Guild for our Annual Auction. Always a fun part of the June Picnic!
There will be a business meeting, elections will be held and plans for the coming program year will be discussed as well.
November 12, 2020
Anastasia Azure will present a program entitled Weaving a Story: Personal Expression in Handwovens
Weaving a Story is a design-oriented approach towards creating self-expressive and meaningful handwoven cloth. As weavers we often focus on the end product, however there is an alternative approach that allows higher creativity to lead the way. Anastasia will share step-by-step exercises that can connect you to artistic weaving.
Anastasia earned her MFA in Textiles at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2011 and BFA in Jewelry Metal Arts at the California College of the Arts in 2005. She has participated in many artist residencies and travels the globe teaching imaginative textile and jewelry workshops. Presently she is developing a fair-trade, woven jewelry collection that will provide economic empowerment to Mayan women weavers in Guatemala.
Amanda Robinette with Tai Chi for Fiber Artists
MARCH 12, 2020
AMANDA ROBINETTE–TAI CHI FOR FIBER ARTISTS LECTURE AND WORKSHOP* Amanda Robinette is a professional weaver and Tai Chi instructor residing in Mechanicsburg, PA.
She has published several articles in Handwoven magazine, taught at The Mannings Handweaving School and as a guest at weaving guilds, and spoken at the Weaving History Conference at the Thousand Islands Arts Center and Handweaving Museum, as well as at weaving guilds across the U.S.
Amanda shares her interest in all kinds of weaving and clothing recycling on her blog at westernsakiori.com. Through combining her knowledge of weaving and Tai Chi, she also developed Tai Chi for Weavers, a program dedicated to teaching weavers how to use the principles of Tai Chi to improve their weaving ergonomics and stamina. She has taught the program at The Mannings Handweaving School and at weaving guilds, and in 2017 released the program on DVD.
Her current work is focused on continuing to extend the possibilities of rag weaving, yarn recycling and Tai Chi programs for other fiber artists. She lives with her husband and two children (and lots of looms and rags) in central Pennsylvania.design process and textile explorations.