Fine Threads Workshop and Program

Last fall, Sue wanted to experiment weaving with fine threads. She had some in her stash, but ordered a few more from Habu Textiles and Colourmart. She enjoyed working with these yarns and after sharing my samples at one of the guild meetings, offered to lead a program and workshop on fine threads.
The program will focus on what may be learned while warping and weaving with yarns of a very fine grist, types of yarns available, sources for fine threads/yarns and a review of the different sizing systems used for yarns.
Sue will bring woven samples and some of the different yarns used. Participants who have signed up for the workshop will be provided with over 30 different fine threads to sample. We look forward to learning and sharing what may be learned working with fine threads!

The October guild meeting and the workshop will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Bear, Delaware.